12 September 2010


We have a backpack hanging in our coat closet with a few important items so we could easily grab it and leave the house in case there was ever an emergency. Included in the emergency kit are some basic emergency supplies, a little bit of food, and a first aid kit, and copies of a few documents. One of the things I keep in the bag is a print-out with a current photo of each family member. I happened to take a look at that the other day, and noticed that the ‘current’ family photos weren’t so current – Camden was still a baby and Isaac and Courtland hadn’t even been born yet last time I printed them off. Anyways, I think it’s always fun to compare how the boys look as they start to grow up every once in a while, so I thought I’d include the old set of photos along with the new set. Hopefully I’ll remember to keep them a little more current this time.

(And no, I don't consider the dog one of my children, but I figure that if we lost him
we would want a picture to help find him again).

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