12 September 2010

Meet the Teacher Day

A week ago Kolby and Eli had their ‘meet the teacher day’ before starting school. After they got ready that morning I had them get on some of their new school clothes and took each of them out in the back yard to take some special school pictures. (Then I had them run inside and change into short-sleeved shirts, since it was an especially hot day out). They got their backpacks full of school supplies and we walked over to the school and Eli met Mr. Signorelli (his teacher was supposed to be Mrs. Fitzgerald, but we had just received a letter saying that Mrs. Fitzgerald was unable to teach because of a knee surgery and Mr. Signorelli would be the substitute. We don’t know at this point if it will just be for a short time, or if he may be Eli’s teacher all year. But we’re happy, because Mr. Signorelli was Kolby’s kindergarten teacher last year, so we know he’s a good teacher). We then went on a sample bus ride for Eli to get used to it before going out to the playground to have lunch. We headed back inside before too long because it was so hot out, although there wasn’t much relief indoors because there’s no air conditioning at the school – luckily it’s not hot like that now that the kids have started their classes. Then we went and Kolby met his teacher, Mrs. Grace. He also has a handful of kids in his class who were also in his kindergarten class, so that’s a lot of fun for him. The boys got to drop off their school supplies, and I got to drop off all the paperwork. Eli also handed in a ‘self portrait’ – he said it was him with lots of buttons and yellow freckles; and he got to fill in an ‘all about me’ page for his teacher too. It was a fun day for the boys, and everyone was ready for a rest in the nice cool house by the time we were done.

(Don't know why this one got turned sideways, but it won't let me fix it).

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