31 January 2018

Elijah, our teenager

It’s official, Elijah turned 13 today!  The other day I asked if there was anything he’d like for his birthday, and he had trouble coming up with any specific ideas.  After a while, he told me he’d like money to put towards the chicken coop he and Kolby are saving up for. We weren’t too sure about that idea (we’ve let them start saving, to see if they are really morivated to save up enough, then actually build the coop and take care of the chickens every day; but Michael and I keep going back and forth about whether or not it’s actually a good idea), so we encouraged him to keep thinking. And he decided that he likes to run, so he’d like some nice running shoes. I measured his foot so I’d know what size shoes to get him, and was surprised to realize that his feet are just slightly longer than mine already. Although Kolby is nearing my height, Elijah will need quite the growth spurt before he gets close to getting taller than me. But it looks like from the size of his feet that his growth spurt is definitely going to happen, sooner or later. 

Our boys are notorious for wearing through the soles of tennis shoes in record time, so I found him some nice trail running shoes (which will hopefully hold up a little longer than the average kids’ tennis shoes). He loved them.  I got him a men’s size 9! (they’ve got just a bit of extra room to grow, but aren’t really loose on him or anything). 

Michael made his special “cottage cakes” recipe with bananas for Elijah for his birthday breakfast.  And he opened the shoes from us this morning, and we’ll have more time this evening to sit down and have him open all the gifts from his brothers & family. And this afternoon he doesn’t happen to have his regular dog walking job because the dog owner’s family is out of town, so after school he decided to go spend the afternoon with his great grandma, Grandma Faun, and he took along a jigsaw puzzle because he knows how much she loves puzzles. Such a good boy!

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