12 July 2011

The Garden

So, I've been enjoying our garden again this year.  With it being our second year, the strawberries were amazing this time around -- so many!  Now those are mostly done.  Right now we've got plenty of lettuce, and we're starting to get zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, green beans, and sugar snap peas.  And I even saw two tiny butternut squashes starting to grow yesterday, which I'm so excited about (last year we got nice big squash plants with plenty of flowers and lots of bees, but got 0 squash other than just a few zucchinis, which was super disappointing since winter squash was what I was looking forward to the most with a garden).  We are also really excited about the tomatoes -- every plant has at least a few green tomatoes on it, and a couple of the plants are just covered in them.  So now we just need to wait until they get ripe.  The peppers and eggplants have started to grow too, which will be fun.  Anyways, here are a couple of pictures:

We've been having plenty of salads with lettuce from our garden, topped with nasturtium flowers, which are edible -- they're not only pretty, but the kids get a real kick out of eating edible flowers, and they always ask for more. 

And here are the first yellow squash and zucchini of the season.  I cooked them up with garlic, onions, and olive oil and they were excellent.

I've realized that vegetable gardening is something I actually quite enjoy doing.

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