28 September 2010

Camden's Birthday Party: Take 1

As I mentioned before, we accidentally ended up having 2 birthday parties for Camden (a family party and a friend party) because Mommy accidentally put the wrong date on the invitations.  So this lucky boy enjoyed twice the party and twice the cake.  I try to remember to take some nice pictures of each boy around his birthday, so before the party was supposed to start, I took some cute pictures of Camden in the back yard.  After waiting for his friends to come the first night before we finally realized the mistake with the invitations, Camden and his brothers enjoyed his dinosaur birthday cake.  And then we finished off the evening by watching a ‘new’ movie together (someone from church gave us a few boxes of their old VHS tapes because they switched entirely to DVDs, so we surprised Camden with a couple of these ‘new’ movies that night when we realized his friends wouldn’t be coming).  

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