28 March 2010

Mock Boards and Weekend Fun

This week I had my mock board exam. At the end of my 3 years of dermatology training, I have a huge test that I have to pass to become board certified. On Thursday I took a practice test to start getting ready for that. Every dermatology resident in the country takes it. It was 226 multiple choice questions in 4 hours. It was so hard, but it was good to get an idea of things I need to focus on over the next few years. It was so nice to have it done, since I had been studying for it really since January.

As a break, I borrowed the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books and started reading the first one. I really like the series so far. It makes me want to see the movie too.

We have plans to retile our main bathroom. I have a week of vacation coming up in May that we were going to use. Well, some people have tried to convince us to have someone else do it, so we have been considering that now. Friday night Steph and I got a babysitter so we could go to Home Depot to get some ballpark prices for the tiles we like and supplies so we would have a price to bargain with. Then we went to dinner at Unos. It was so nice.

Saturday morning a guy came to the house to look at the bathroom for the re-tiling job. He will give us his bid in about a week. A few weeks back we got a phone call from a company called Direct Buy to come and hear their presentation. For listening, you got a $20 gift card to Applebees. We knew they would try and get us to join something, but we thought it would be a fun date, so we went Saturday afternoon. We had to listen to a 1.5 hour presentation. They really are convincing. Once you join their group, you can buy straight from the manufacturer, bypassing the middleman, saving hundreds of dollars. Their dues are about $100/month for the first 3 years and then $200/year after that. It sounded pretty cool, but not something we can do right now. We also stopped at the Tile Shop to look over more tile.

Steph had a combined Relief Society/Young Women meeting out in Palmyra last night, so it was me and the boys. We had a fun leftover dinner and then played Super Mario Galaxy together on the Nintendo Wii. I think they enjoyed it.

Since next weekend, is General Conference, today was our Easter program at church. The talks about Jesus, His resurrection, and the atonement were wonderful and the music was beautiful. Kolby joined me this afternoon to go home teaching and visit two families in the ward. We had a wonderful family dinner together and then the kids got to say hi to Granpa Dick, Grandma Debbie, Aunt Annette, and Aunt Mindy. They really enjoyed it.

We have been trying hard to eat more fresh vegetables. We have been trying mushrooms, butternut squash, acorn squash, asparagus, cucumber, and now tonight we added beets. We usually marinate them in extra virgin olive oil, garlic, and salt, and then broil them, and they have all been delicious. The amazing thing to me is how much our boys have enjoyed them.

1 comment:

Davis and Carter's Mommy said...

My family has tiled a number of bathrooms and it is totally do-able. I wouldn't say the finished product is pristine perfect but we've enjoyed them. One tip--if you are laying over linoleum and it is intact--don't pull it up, you can tile right over it.