21 March 2010

A Nice Week

We have had a wonderfully Spring week here, with warm sunny days in the 50s and 60s. It’s been so nice to spend time with the kids at playgrounds and out in our back yard (even though we created a lot more dirty laundry this week with all the changes of little boy jeans from the muddy grass caused by all the melting snow and the rain from a couple weeks ago. But the laundry was definitely worth the time spent outdoors). Too bad it’s supposed to be rainy, sunny, and yes, even snowy, off and on for at leas the next week or so.

So, we’ve had a nice week. Besides spending time at Perinton Park, going on walks around the neighborhood, walking over to the playgrounds at Kolby’s school, and playing and eating lunches out in the back yard, we had all the normal events of the week: playgroup, preschool, kindergarten, speech therapy, and piano lessons.

On Tuesday night it was also fun because we had the first monthly Ladies’ Night Out that I organized. Five other girls and I met at Unos and had a nice break, enjoying each others’ company. (That reminds me – I need to make a schedule for the next few months).

On Wednesday it was Saint Patrick’s Day, and Michael made a green breakfast for the boys (a new tradition he started last year). So, with the help of the handy dandy green food coloring, we had green scrambled eggs, green orange juice, and cereal with green milk (I have to say, drinking green milk is rather disgusting, even if you know it’s just food coloring). Because it was an especially nice day out, we went on a walk that morning, and then went over to the school playground for several hours that afternoon. Kolby was so cute – he announced to me that he loves St. Patrick’s Day because we get to be outside so much. (Can you tell we’ve felt a little stuck inside this winter?)

And on Thursday I had my first shift at the family history center. I worked with my friend, Jen, and I tried to help her with some of her personal research. It was fun to go over there, and it will be a cool to get to help people. I’m also looking forward to trying to use the time while I’m there when there don’t happen to be any patrons there to do a little of my own research on the microfilms that I have over there.

Friday morning I watched my friend, Danielle’s sons while she went to a doctor’s appointment, and then she watched Courtland and Isaac for me while I took Camden and Eli with me to the library. We picked out a few books and then met Kolby’s kindergarten class for their field trip tour of the public library. The kids got to hear about a few different books, got to see the books come in from the book drop, and walked over to the magazine room where they have a painting of an aerial view of the town, where the librarian pointed out different town landmarks. Kolby really enjoyed his field trip, and so did Eli and Camden.

This weekend Michael has been on home-call. Luckily he’s only had one call so far – just a person with a question to answer, so he didn’t have to go in. It’s nice, since he traded to get call this weekend because he was originally scheduled to be on call in two weekends over Easter and general conference. So this has been a pretty nice call weekend for us. We were excited to go out yesterday and plot out a spot for our garden. We decided where it would go, and then started digging out the grass. We didn’t get much of it out yet – although we filled two trash cans with all the grass that we dug out, we definitely have lots more to go. But it was nice to get started on it. We’ve been thinking about what kinds of vegetables and berries to plant, and we’re excited to do some more research so we’re ready to get this garden planted by the time the weather warms up enough.

Today we had a good day at church. I taught a lesson in the family history class about vital records, and I think it went quite well. And I also cut the boys’ hair today before and after church – I cut Kolby’s, Eli’s, and Isaac’s hair. I was letting Isaac’s and Camden’s hair grow out a bit to see if their curls would grow back in, and Camden’s did and Isaac’s didn’t, so I cut Isaac’s like his big brothers’ again. Camden and Courtland both have the cute curls, so that’s fun. Well, it’s about bed time, so I guess I’ll sign off for now. Good night.

1 comment:

Penelope said...

Did your kids eat all the green food? Nathan wouldn't even try the green eggs and ham they made for Dr. Seuss day at his school.
I was just listening to a program on npr this morning where the guest speaker talked about how what you see does affect what you taste. It was pretty interesting. So, I guess I believe you that green milk tastes gross (even if it's only food-coloring).