23 July 2007

Yearbook Page

The other day Michael's parents got the new Harry Potter book for him, so on Saturday he spent much of the morning and afternoon reading it. He finished the book yesterday and said that he really liked it.

So, while he was reading on Saturday, I worked on making a yearbook page for him. For the medical school yearbook each student can design their own personal yearbook page. So, to start out I didn't really have any good ideas of how to design the page. This was the first idea I came up with, but I thought it was kind of boring:

But after adjusting the page all day, I finally ended up with this:

(you can click on the pages to zoom in)

I think it turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself. (The grey box is where his professional portrait will go – we are going to have that taken tomorrow). Michael still needs to sit down and make sure these are the photos he wants to use for sure, but I think it will look pretty much like this in the yearbook.

1 comment:

Amberlynn said...

That looks incredible Stephanie! What a sweet wife you are to do that for your husband. I really like your family title at the the top of the blog too! You are really great with the computer. I can learn a lot from you. Hope you're having a great day.
Love ya,