28 June 2007

Eight Years Old!

The other day, before bedtime, Eli and Kolby and I were reading a story from the Friend, a magazine that our church puts out with stories for children. After we finish reading one story, the boys often want to know the title of the next story that we will read another night. The next story was called, Trying To Be Like Jesus. I asked the boys what they could do to be like Jesus, and Kolby responded immediately, “Get Baptized!” I’m grateful for his primary class at church that does such a good job of reinforcing the things that we are trying to teach our children. Even at 3 years old, Kolby is very excited that someday when he gets to be a big boy, he will be baptized. Lately he has been going around and telling everyone he meets that he and his brothers are all 8 years old, because in our church the age 8 is when the children get to choose if they will be baptized. When I try to explain to little old ladies in the grocery store that he wants to be 8, but he is really 3 years old, he corrects me and says that he is 8 right now, no matter what I say. It is pretty cute! Michael told me that when he got Kolby out of bed this morning, he asked Kolby what he dreamed about last night, and Kolby said that he dreamed about Heavenly Father and about going to church and to the temple. It just amazes me that a kid this young could even understand about such things, let alone that he actually thinks about them when not prompted to by an adult. I’m sure that my little kids will continue to amaze me with what they know and how quickly they learn. These are some of the fun things about being a parent.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

You can tell that you guys are good parents - that you are teaching your kids at such a young age! I'm excited to see you guys later this year when you come out to Boise :-)