07 May 2017

School Dance

On Friday night Kolby & Eli went to the 6/7/8 grade dance at school. I helped plan the dance and set up the decorations, and Michael & I chaperoned the dance that night.  (I love that middle school dances nowadays aren't about dates & slow dances, but more about groups of friends & having fun -- so there's no pressure, and very little pairing off).  I think it went really well, and our boys had fun.







And last year after we stayed late to clean up after the dance and we were almost the last car left in the parking lot, I let Kolby practice driving the car around the parking lot for a while before we went home. He remembered that, and was eager to try driving again. I guess we've started a tradition. It worked out well that Michael and I had driven 2 cars to the dance at different times, because we each took a boy and let him drive around the parking lot. 


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