23 September 2014

School Work

So at the boys' new school the students have special school google accounts.  The students can only send or receive emails or google docs to and from other people who also have an email address ending in @design39campus.com, so we don't have to worry about any creepy strangers contacting our children on their school accounts.  But I still  wanted to follow their accounts and keep up to date on what any students or teachers might send to them.  I was proud of myself when I figured out how to set up my iphone gmail app to view multiple google accounts, so it will send me a notification when one of the boys gets an email (the boys are aware that I also have access to their accounts).  So far the oldest two boys have each received only a couple emails from teachers about school projects.    As I understand it, the younger kids won't really be using the accounts much yet, but Kolby & Lijah have each started to use their google docs for school writing assignments and projects.  The first time I happened to sign onto Kolby's google account with my phone, I was reading through the couple of writing assignments he had saved on his google docs so far, and I was reading a little story he had written and when I got to the bottom of the page, I saw that the words were being added to the last sentence as I was reading it.  So I just happened to read it at the same time Kolby was finishing writing it.  I know it's kind of silly, but I thought that was pretty cool.  Anyway, I thought that once in a while when I see something fun that one of the boys has written for school, I will include it here on the family blog.

So here's Kolby's cute short story:

Kolby Bradshaw                                    
Cheese and Pizza-Cheese’s New Friend
Have you ever lost a friend before? Cheese has! Cheese’s friend French Fry was the best friend a person could have. French Fry had moved away to New York City (How Lucky!) the day before yesterday. This was the most boring and frustrating days of Cheese’s life.
“I’m going to find a new friend,”exclaimed Cheese.First, Cheese looked in the Park. He looked up the trees,no friends there. He looked in the playground, no new friend there. He looked on the baseball and the grass field, no new friend there.
”I’m going to look in the Mall,” Cheese exclaimed confidently. He looked at the pretzel stand,nope. He looked in the restaurants, nope. Cheese sadly walked out of Macy’s. NO LUCK! As cheese slowly dragged himself home Cheese saw someone that was walking up to him! Could this be a new friend?
As that someone advanced to Cheese, he asked “Why are you so sad?”
Cheese replied back, ”Because I can’t find a new friend.”
“Do you want me to be your new friend?’he asked.
Cheese nodded. “Okay,” he replied,”My name is Pizza.”
After they got to know each other a little more, Cheese asked,”Do you want come to my place?”
“ Sure,” answered Pizza. Cheese’s house was made of cheese. The widows were holes in the cheese, same as the doorway. Inside Cheese introduced Pizza to his parents, and his parents to Pizza.
”Do you want to come for ice-cream tomorrow?” asked Cheese’s mother.
“I’ll ask my parents,” replied pizza. Then pizza brought Cheese to his house. Pizza’s house was made of pizza. The windows were made of pepperoni, and the door was out lined with melted cheese. In the house Pizza introduced Cheese to his parents and his parents to Cheese. He also asked his parents if he could go for ice-cream.  They said yes.

Cheese had found a new friend, and had already invited him over for ice-cream! Nothing could get worse-OR COULD IT?

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