15 April 2013

Little Runner

Lijah loves to run!  At school they have running club 2 days a week during recess, which means that the kids can choose to run laps around the track.  Every 4 laps equal a mile.  Then to motivate the kids each trimaester they have an assembly and award the kids with a little ribbon each time they pass the 5 mile mark. Kolby and Lijah both enjoy running club, and have fun comparing how many laps they each run on running club days.  But Lijah especially really seems to love running.  Here's a little clip from his teacher's weekly class newsletter e-mail:

Running Club Success!!!! I am so very proud of all my terrific runners in Room ___! On Friday afternoon every child was on stage with me earning a Running Ribbon! Together (including me and Miss Veihl) we have logged 1,074 miles since September!!! We had several students receive their 70 mile ribbon! I earned my 20 mile ribbon and can't wait to earn my marathon shirt! We have so many talented runners. I love seeing their enthusiasm as they jog with me around the track. A big pat on the back to Elijah B for logging the most miles so far at 78 miles!! I know there are several students right on his heels!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Elijah, on being such a good athlete. I would love to watch you run with your classmates. You are so talented -- you can run fast and far, you can play the piano, you can dance, you can make people laugh. You are such a joy to be around and I love you lots.

Grandma Faun