15 November 2010


The other night Isaac and I had a holdie and read the picture book, Carl Goes Shopping.  This book doesn’t have many words, and Isaac spent the whole time turning the pages and telling me every detail of his story as he made it up.  So, on one page there is a picture of a pet store.  There are cages lining the wall with different animals in them, and Isaac was telling me all about the animals.  When he came to the cage with two parrots in it, he said they were eagles.  I corrected him, and told him those birds were called parrots.  He went on with his story, and when he got to the end of the book he started over again.  When we got back to the pet store page, he pointed to the birds and said, “Those birds are carrots.  They eat carrots.  So they eat themselves.  Then they’re all gone.” 

1 comment:

Tricia said...

That's really funny! I love to hear the things kids say!