So, I didn’t do our weekly post last Sunday because Michael was out of town at a derm conference in Miami and I just couldn’t seem to make myself do anything extra at all that whole week. But, Michael got home late Tuesday night and things are back to normal around here. So, these last couple of weeks I’ve kept myself busy with some house projects (ha – as if I have to try to keep myself busy). But anyways, I already got the pictures posted from my big project of installing all new lights in the house, then this week I got the study painted. That means we have one room left to paint in the house for now – the living room (ok, and a little touch up in the master closet where there are two different colors of paint on one wall, but that doesn’t really count). And then all we will have left are the upstairs bathroom and the basement – but we’re not even going to think about painting those until we re-do those rooms. After that, we will have painted every wall in the house.
In the study we decided to use the same tan color as in our bedroom, and I think it turned out nice. The boys are excited that I got the painting finished and the furniture back in place so they can enjoy the study again. Here are pictures of the finished study:
In the study we decided to use the same tan color as in our bedroom, and I think it turned out nice. The boys are excited that I got the painting finished and the furniture back in place so they can enjoy the study again. Here are pictures of the finished study:
So, besides house projects, these last couple of weeks we have also had the missionaries over for family home evening, Michael went to his second game so far for a soccer league he joined with a friend from work, Eli had a special Dr. Seuss themed day at preschool, we finished two different audio books from the library: The Wizard of Oz and Mathilda (the boys enjoy listening to stories in the car and I think I’ll try to find the Narnia books next), Camden and Isaac had their bi-annual dentist’s visit, Eli has continued to do well with his speech therapy sessions (he can now pronounce an ‘sh’ sound without difficulty), we took Daddy to the airport for his conference (and some of his thoughtful friends from work offered to bring him home from the airport afterwards so I didn’t have to take the kids to get him after midnight), Kolby had a show and tell at kindergarten where he was supposed to bring something from the newspaper and since we don’t get the newspaper we went online and he printed off a funny picture that he chose of a monkey reading a newspaper for his show and tell item, I enjoyed the new tv show “Who Do You Think You Are?” that started last week about different people traveling around the world to learn about their ancestors, a had a nice visit from my visiting teachers, we made an unexpected trip to the mechanics because apparently a hose came loose and all my power steering fluid leaked out on the garage floor, we got a couple of little bird feeders to hang outside the dining room windows and have enjoyed watching the cardinals and chickadees, I have enjoyed starting to look through the large bag of sample products – lotions, body washes, make-up, etc. – that Michael brought back from his derm conference, I prepared a lesson for my Activity Days class at church, we’ve had fun trying several different fresh vegetables with our dinners (including asparagus, butternut squash, mushrooms, acorn squash, yellow squash, zucchini, and cucumbers, we’ve starting to think about what we want to plant in our first garden in the upcoming months, we got a good book from the library about tiling and Michael and I have started learning all about that, the boys had their piano lessons, I enjoyed a Relief Society dinner at church, Kolby got to go to a birthday party for a little boy in his class and he had so much fun, I got my assignment to start working in the family history center next week, we enjoyed a fun “game night” over the phone with our friends the Kearls from Milwaukee (it’s been too long since we did that), Kolby has been reading out loud at least 15 minutes a day for a special thing they are doing at school right now and he has done great so I think we’ll continue to do it even after they are done at school, Michael and I each got to go to the temple yesterday, and we enjoyed a very fun night out at church last night (where everyone dressed up and they had it all decorated like the Academy Awards, we ate, and we voted on some movie choices and then got to watch our choice of the top picks – we watched one called ‘I Am David’ about a boy after World War II, which was very good), Courtland has been teething – I think all 4 of his molars are coming in at once, we had a good day at church today, Michael had his meeting for Scout Committee, I planned the first monthly Ladies’ Night Out for the ward coming up this week (which I’m looking forward to), and we came home this afternoon to find a squirrel dangling by it’s hind legs from the pole where we hung the bird feeders and eating the bird seed while hanging upside down. Well, that’s our last two weeks in a nutshell.
Oh, and that squirrel hanging from the bird feeder was so funny, I just had to share a short video clip:
Oh, and that squirrel hanging from the bird feeder was so funny, I just had to share a short video clip:
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