13 September 2009

My Candles

There’s nothing like hosting a birthday party to motivate you to get your house nice and clean, so over the last couple days that kept me quite busy. The house wasn’t especially messy, but a few piles of papers and stuff had started to accumulate on the counters and the computer desk and we had 2 weeks of clean laundry waiting to be folded, so it took a while to get everything done. The boys helped clean up all their toys, put folded clothes away for me, vacuum the rug, and wipe off the table. And I removed the painter’s tape that was around the edges of the dining room floor from when I painted the baseboards white a couple weeks ago – the tape was under the edge of the baseboards and took quite a while to remove with an exacto knife, but I got it all off. And after cleaning off the top of both the computer desk and the entertainment center, I got some candles and pictures set up there for the first time (so hopefully that’ll deter us from stacking papers up there in the future. It always feels nice to have things finished, and the room didn’t feel finished without those things out. Plus, I was so glad to put out my candles with the glass candle holder that my grandpa made for our wedding. And I got a couple cakes made and yesterday the boys “helped” me blow up balloons and tape up streamers to decorate for Camden’s party. The decorations turned out pretty cute, and I’m actually considering leaving them up, since we have 2 more birthdays coming up next month.

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