09 September 2009


So, the bees have gotten pretty bad in the back yard some days lately – they seem to like to swarm around us whenever we out at the picnic table (which I like to do as often as possible in the summertime), especially whenever the boys have jam for their sandwiches. The other day I came out to find a butter knife with a big glob of jam sitting in the grass, covered in bees – the boys decided to try to distract the bees so they would leave them alone while they ate (too bad they set the knife and jam only about a foot away from the picnic table). I forgot about the knife until a while later, and when I went back to pick it up, it was still covered in bees, but I was surprised to see that they had eaten almost all of the jam.

So, Michael has a fear of bees, which poses a slight problem when we want to eat dinner in the back yard. The other night he was about to go inside and eat his dinner alone when a couple of bees wouldn’t leave us alone at dinnertime. So, I told him to go get the vacuum. He did, and we used the hose to suck up 2 or 3 bees, which solved the problem pretty well. We didn’t bother the ones that just flew around and then left, but the ones that wouldn’t leave us alone got vacuumed. (Not very fun for those bees, I’m sure, but I’d much rather have Michael enjoy dinner with us at the picnic table than inside alone).

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