19 September 2009

Be Not Weary in Well-Doing . . .

So, tonight we got a babysitter and we went to a celebration of the 40th anniversary of our church congregation here in Fairport. There was a program, and on the inside cover there was a quote from the scriptures in Doctrine and Covenants chapter 64, verse 33,

“Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.”

I know that the person who chose to include that quote in a program for an anniversary celebration was probably thinking about how the congregation started some 30 years ago with only a few members and has since increased in numbers and strength, but when I read that quote, it really hit me. It spoke to me personally – with an application to my life. I was talking to Michael about it later, and we were thinking that this verse is the perfect motto for our lives right now. Be not weary, because you are laying the foundation of a great work! Out of small things proceedeth great things – it hit me that those words are so meaningful to all parents. Not only in a more obvious way: that out of babies and little children (small things) we can help to teach and mold them as they grow up and become responsible, caring, knowledgeable, God-loving adults (that which is great). But also, we as parents can have strength and encouragement so that we will not become weary throughout the often mundane daily chores and little lessons (small things) that are necessary to create a home that is a good environment and a place where children can be safe, happy, and feel the spirit as they grow (that which is great).

That’s one thing that is so wonderful about the scriptures – no matter what stage you are at in life, you can find answers that apply to you personally. I’m sure that I could look at this same verse 25 years from now and take another message from it, just as meaningful, that applies to my life.

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