26 October 2007

Some More Photos of Isaac

Mommy and Isaac after he was born on Tuesday night, 23 October 2007.
He looks more chubby in this photo than in real life, but I
liked the little smile and you can see his dimple here.
He looked so small when he grabbed my ring finger with his little fingers.

Isaac takes a rest in Daddy's arms.

Sweet dreams!

Isaac visits the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit).

Isaac with an oxygen hood over his head to help him breath easier.

Isaac after his surgery today. They intubated (put the breathing tube down his throat) for an MRI and the surgery they did today. During the surgery, they made an incision under his upper lip to remove some bone from the nasal passage, and then they inserted tubes in his nose. So his lip is pretty swollen, and his nose is a little swollen too. But the surgery was successful and it seems like things are going just as planned. He should have the tube removed from his mouth either tonight or tomorrow morning, and then he can try eating. They said that if all goes as expected, he should be able to come home with us in 2 or 3 more days.


Within These Walls said...

Cute Pictures! I'm happy to hear the surgery went well!

Amy and the boys said...

Stephanie, I'm glad things are going well. How are the boys doing with the baby not being home? Isaac is a big newborn it seems. He does look healthy and blonde! Please let me know if I can do anything for you.

nateandcole said...

Congratulations on another baby! I'm glad he's doing well after the surgery. Our daughter was in NICU for a few days. Not real fun, but the nurses and doctors are great, huh? What a beautiful family you have. -Colette Butterfield Miller

darla said...

i am writing to ask you about your son and his pyriform aperture stenosis. my son is 11months old and has the stenosis and we did surgery when he was 3months old can you email me so we can talk i am the mother of 5. 4 girls 1 boy.
darlalouv@cox.net Lousiana