03 September 2007

"Where did he get those Curls?"

I've had so many people ask me lately where Camden got his curly hair, because Michael, Kolby, and I have pretty straight hair and Eli's hair is mostly straight and just a little wavy. I guess Camden must have gotten it from me -- when I was younger my hair would curl when it was humid out. I was noticing that this is my second post out of the last 4 that features Camden's curly hair -- ok, I admit it, I'm a little obsessed -- but it's so adorable, can you blame me? My sister, Michelle, said that she loves Camden's hair, but her husband, Jake, said that if he had a boy with hair like that, he would shave it off and give him a buzz cut -- I think Jake must be insane, there's no other explanation for it. (Just watch, I know after my little boy has these amazing curls, if I ever have a girl she will be bald for sure).


Mel said...

we love the curls too! definitely don't buzz it off!

Amy and the boys said...

haha I love the comparison pics!

Jennie and Dalin Nelson said...

i love the curls!!! super cute on him!