28 August 2011

August Update (3)

So, the boys and I have spent a lot of time this summer at Long Acres Farm.  It’s a family owned farm about 10 to 15 minutes from our place, where they have a weekly “ABC Preschool Club,” which consists of a story or two and an activity, game, or craft about a different farm-related topic each week that starts with the letter of the week – our favorite so far was “J” for jam, when the kids got to make their own strawberry jam.  “L” week was pretty fun too, with using pieces of yarn to decorate a llama picture.  And the boys enjoyed “N” week too, when they got to make nests out of play dough.  It’s outdoors, informal, and not too long, and afterwards the kids get to play on the wooden play structures – the boys think we should build a large wooden pirate ship in our back yard now, pet the goats, look through the extra large two-person kaleidoscope, and Kolby and Lijah even saved up some money so they could get ice cream last time.  Anyway, it’s been a fun thing to get out and do each week, and it runs all the way until the end of October, which I’m excited about because every other outdoor activity in the area seems to end in August.  I think we’ll probably go there to get our Halloween pumpkins this year, and maybe we can even find a deal and try out the corn maze in the fall. 

I made Camden’s birthday invitation the other day, and I think it turned out simple and cute.  He wants a t-ball themed party this year – he really enjoyed playing t-ball this summer, and was more into the game and running fast than his older brothers were when they played last year.  Camden was cute, when t-ball ended, he said he couldn’t wait to play soccer next – he just automatically assumes that since Kolby and Lijah happened to play t-ball one summer, and then soccer the next, that that’s what everyone does. 

And I just had to get pictures of this before he grows and they’re gone – Courtland has these two adorable little dimples on his lower back, just above his pants.  I just think it’s so cute.  :) 

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